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Weekly Dose of Encouragement

Week 1: 2020 was a challenging, frustrating, unprecedented year full of uncertainty.   We were removed from our comfort zone and forced to adjust to a new reality without a script.  There were times we didn’t know how things would turn out.  There were times we didn’t know what would happen next or if we would be able to continue moving forward toward our dreams and goals.  But thanks be to God we achieved the milestone of a new year.  We walked into 2021, despite every obstacle that we faced last year, mentally, physically, and spiritually stronger than ever.


Questions:  What are some of the positive lessons learned from 2020?

  • Read Psalm 121:  2020 was a rough year but we begin this new year looking up and expecting more knowing where our help comes from.  He doesn’t’ sleep and if we stay in His Will our paths cannot be deterred.  In his Will we are protected, and content.  And despite the worlds forecast … we trust that in Him our future is preserved forever

Keep praying…Keep reading your bible…Keep bringing God into your daily routines.

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